Banaskantha Update is a magazine registered with RNI as well as a registered trademark with Jagdish Kumar Hiralal Solanki as its editor and Fuldeep Solanki as its managing editor. Banaskanthaupdate.com is also a news portal with millions of monthly visitors, the most reliable and fair social media platform of Banaskantha district, and has the most followers. Before the launch of Banaskantha Update, a Facebook page was started in the name of Banaskantha News in the year 2012. From the middle of the Facebook page, posts about local news were placed, and gradually people What was the main purpose of starting Banaskantha News? And why this page started and got so many names today. So let’s get a partial glimpse of this Banaskantha news. News of Banaskantha was started on 7/8/2018. The main purpose of which was to start that when Banaskantha was flooded in the year 2013, TV channels, print media in Banaskantha areas were suspended. What will be the situation of the people in such a time when such incidents are happening in such a time as to how much water in which area, what problem in which area, such information was not reaching the people? what must have happened? Among the many questions like where to get accurate information was waiting. So the idea was to create this page so that the people of Banaskantha and the area around Banaskantha could get enough information through social media. And a page called News of Banaskantha was created. Bringing news to the masses through social media was an innovative initiative for Banaskantha News in 2012. The page was well received by the people of Banaskantha and encouraged to improve the page. This was the true test of this page during the catastrophic floods in Banaskantha in 2012. And was able to pass his test. During this catastrophic flood, the information of the moment was conveyed to the people through this page. In which how much surface of Dantiwada dam, how much increase in water? How much water in which area, what question of people in which area, what problem, what happened? During that time a helpline number was also started in some areas of Banaskantha to get information about the lack of internet. During this time people continued to receive information on this number. The problems they had were told through this number and care was taken to help them by listening to those problems and their questions i.e. their confusions, problems, and conveying that information to the system. The system also played a key role in helping during that time. Thus the Banaskantha news page and portal were started with the aim of helping the people and conveying information to them. Let us now know how many small numbers you started with and what milestones you have achieved to date with your cooperation and your blessings. Only 300 people joined the page when it was launched. Getting news through social media was a new experience for the people of Banaskantha during that time. Because this page and portal was the first platform for Banaskantha and from Banaskantha. Encouraged by this page, many pages and portals gradually came into existence. Which is a matter of interest for Banaskantha. We also encourage them. To date, more than 76,000 people have joined this page. Get news and information through this page and portal.